How much Railroad Slang do you know?
- Ash Cat: Slang term for locomotive fireman.
- Baby Lifter: Passenger Train Brakeman
- Bake Head: Locomotive Fireman
- Bake a Cake: To build up steam
- Bait Can: Lunch Bucket
- Banjo: A fireman's shovel
- Battleship: A Large Locomotive
- Bending Rail: Relining a switch
- Big Hook: Heavy Duty Derrick or Crane Railcar (Wrecking Crane)
- Big O: Conductor
- Big Shot: Yardmaster
- Big Hole : A quick stop.
- Blowing Smoke: To Brag
- Bobtail Haul: a short train- Locomotive with only a few cars and a Bobber caboose
- Boomer: An experienced but transient railroad worker
- Boss: Conductor
- Brass Collar: Railroad Official
- Brass Hat: President or Boss of the railroad line. Also an Advanced Railroad Modeler
- Brass Buttons: Freight Conductor
- Buckle the Balonies: Connect the air hose
- Bull: Railroad policeman
- Bull Head: Conductor
- Car Toad: Railroad Car Engineer
- Car Catcher: Brakeman
- Car Knocker: Car Inspector (they tap the wheels to test for soundness)
- Car Whacker: Railroad Car Cleaner
- Cat's Claw: Spike Puller
- Clinker Boy: Locomotive Fireman
- Clown Wagon: Caboose
- Cow Cage: Stock Car
- Crowbar Hotels: Jail
- Crummy: Caboose
- Cushion Rider: Conductor of a Passenger Train
- Dancing the Carpet: Explaining to the boss
- Deadhead: Passenger on a Passenger train
- Diamond Pusher: Locomotive Fireman
- Detainer: Train Dispatcher
- Diamonds: Coal
- Dinger: Yardmaster
- Dinky: Any small locomotive
- Doghouse: Caboose
- Doubleheader: Train with two engines
- Eagle Eye: Locomotive Engineer
- Freezer: Refrigerator car or reefer car
- Flip: To board a moving train
- Fresh Fish: A new hand
- Gaffer: A section boss
- Gandy Dancer: Section worker
- Gasket: A doughnut
- Gay Cat: A hobo willing to work
- Grass Wagon: A tourist car
- Grease the Pig: Oil the engine
- Ground Hog: Switchman
- Gum Shoe: Railroad detective
- Ham: Telegraph Operator
- Hasher: A waitress
- Hay Burner: Worn out Locomotive
- Hit the Grit: Fall off or get kicked off car
- Hog: Railroad locomotive
- Hogger:Locomotive Engineer
- Hotbox: Overheated wheel bearing
- Hotbox Dick: A car inspector
- Hotshot: A fast train
- Jailhouse Spuds: Waffled potatoes
- Jerkwater: Small town or local train
- Jerry Gang: A section crew
- Jungle: Hobo camp
- Junk File: A worn out locomotive
- Keester: A suitcase or trunk
- Kettle: A small locomotive
- King Pin: Conductor
- Lamb's Tongue: A fifty cent tip
- Lizard Scorcher: The Cook
- Main Pin: Railroad Official
- Make-up: Assemble cars into a train
- Mountain Pay: Overtime
- Mud Chicken: A surveyor
- Mule: A brakeman
- Muzzle Loader: Any hand fired steam locomotive
- Nipper: Brakeman
- Night Owl: A late passenger train
- Nosebag: A lunch bucket or bag
- Number Grabber: Car Checker
- Nut Splitter: Machinist
- Oil Can: Tank Car
- Open Top: Tank Car
- Palace: Caboose
- Parlor Boy: A flagman
- Pearl Diver: A dishwasher
- Pot Walloper: Dishwasher
- Pig Pen: Roundhouse
- Plug: Short Passenger Train
- Possum Belly: Tool box under Caboose
- Pussyfooter: Railroad policeman
- Rabbit: Derail
- Rail: Model Railroader
- Rail Head: End of a railroad line
- Rat: A freight train
- Rattler: A fast freight train
- Red Ball: Fast Freight train
- Red Board: Stop signal
- Red Eye: Stop signal
- Red Ball: Fast freight train
- Reefer: Refrigerator car
- Reefer Block: Freight Train Consisting of Refrigerator cars
- Ringmaster: Yardmaster
- Roughneck: A brakeman
- Rubberneck Car: Observation car
- Saw 'er Off: To cut a car off a train
- Shack: A brakeman
- Shanty: Caboose
- Shiner: Trainman's Lantern
- Shiny Pants: A railway clerk
- Shoofly: A temporary track
- Shuffle: To switch cars
- Silk Hat: A railway official
- Sinker: Doughnut
- Skunk: Motor Car with Striped end
- Skipper: Engineer
- Sleeper: A cross tie
- Slip Car: A carload of bananas
- Smooth: A ten cent tip
- Snoozer: A Pullman car
- Snozzled: Drunk
- Soup: Water
- Spur: A dead end track
- Stoker: Locomotive Fireman
- Straw Boss: Section gang foreman
- Swellhead: Engineer or Conductor
- Tank: Locomotive Tender
- Tallow Pot: Locomotive Fireman
- Tea Kettle: Old leaky steam Locomotive
- Tin Can: A Tank Car
- Tin Hat: A railway official
- Toothpick: A railroad tie
- Torpedoes: Beans
- Ukelele: A short-handled shovel
- Water Bottle: Water Filled tank car behind the tender
- Whiskers: Seniority
- Whiskers on the Rail: Frost on the rail
- Windcutter: Streamliner
- Wipe the Clock: Emergency Application of Brakes
- Yard Bull: Railroad Detective
- Yard Geese: Switchman
- Yard Goat: Yard switch engine